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Microlearning for retrieval practice

As organizations become increasingly aware of the benefits of continuing education, microlearning is emerging as a popular option for companies to keep their employees and members up to date on important topics. Microlearning, or “learning in small chunks”, is an effective way to engage learners and keep them motivated and interested in the content.

A recent review of the research on effective learning techniques by Dunlosky et al (Psychol Sci Public Interest 2013 Jan;14(1):4-58) indicates that microlearning is a highly effective approach to knowledge acquisition and retention. The review found that microlearning can lead to better performance outcomes than traditional classroom methods, and can be used to reinforce existing knowledge as well as introducing new concepts.

One particular type of microlearning that is gaining traction is the use of email-based quizzes. These quizzes typically consist of a single question sent out a few times per week. People can answer the question directly from their email with one click, and then get feedback on their answer, including whether they got it right or wrong, how others have answered, and an explanation of the correct answer. This type of microlearning is great for organizations because it allows them to easily keep their audience up to date on important topics and gain insight into any knowledge gaps that may exist.

The format of email-based quizzes also aligns with Dunlosky’s review of effective learning techniques. The review found that retrieval practice (testing what you’ve learned) is one of the most effective learning strategies, and emailed quizzes provide a perfect opportunity for retrieval practice. Additionally, the feedback people get when they answer a question correctly or incorrectly gives them a sense of accomplishment, which helps keep them motivated. Finally, the ability to discuss the questions online or click a link to get more information provides an opportunity for deeper understanding and further learning.

In sum, email-based quizzes are an effective way for organizations to keep their employees and members up to date on important topics while also gaining insight into any knowledge gaps that may exist. The format of these quizzes is also in line with research on effective learning techniques, making them a great tool for organizations looking to get the most out of their training programs.

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