You are a busy professional. You don’t have time to sit through long lectures or thoroughly read through boring manuals. But staying up to date on your organization’s policies, regulations, guidelines and protocols is important. How can you do that?
Introducing microlearning—a software-as-a-service solution that can help you stay informed about important topics in a fraction of the time. Through a few simple quiz questions sent to your email a few times a week, you can quickly learn and retain the information you need.
What makes microlearning so convenient? First, you can answer the questions straight from your email with one click. No need to log into separate websites or open up multiple tabs on your browser. Second, you get immediate feedback. You can see if your answer is correct and how others have answered. Plus, you get a short explanation of the correct answer so that you can understand why your answer was wrong (or right). Third, you can discuss the question online or click a link for more background information if you need to dive deeper.
But microlearning is about more than just convenience. It’s also about making sure that everyone in your organization is up to date with important topics. By having everyone answer the same quiz questions, you can get an instant snapshot of any knowledge gaps that exist within the organization. This allows you and your team to take action quickly and close those gaps before they become an issue.
So if you’re a busy professional looking for an efficient way to stay informed, microlearning is the way to go. With its easy-to-use quiz questions, immediate feedback and ability to identify knowledge gaps, it’s the perfect solution for any busy professional looking to stay on top of their organization’s policies, regulations, guidelines and protocols.